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Most Common Illnesses During the Summer Season

Most Common Illnesses During the Summer Season Messina Clinic

Better known as summer, this is the period when people usually go to the beach or to air-conditioned commercial and gastronomic establishments to escape the heat.

During this season, certain illnesses are more common due to rising temperatures that can reach dangerous levels. It is also ideal for some pathogens to thrive and spread in these climatic conditions. Summer ailments range from sore eyes to skin problems and asthma - and the list goes on. The health problems arising from these illnesses should not be ignored, nor should they stop anyone from having a relaxing summer.

A guide to the 10 most common summer illnesses

The hottest season of the year is also a time when many diseases occur due to the hot climate. Here are some diseases/infections you should know about of this nature, as well as their symptoms and options for prevention and treatment.

1. Asthma

Heat and humidity can trigger asthma symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath, as the lack of air movement can trap pollutants such as dust and mold in the airways strong>.

Staying cool in the extreme heat of summer is crucial in preventing asthma attacks. Staying in clean, cool, well-ventilated places should help someone with asthma beat the heat. Medicines also need to be close at hand in case of a sudden attack.

2. Chicken pox

Chickenpox is a viral infection that usually affects children, so the first dose of the chickenpox vaccine should be given to children between 12 and 15 months and the second dose between 4 and 6 years.

The initial symptoms of chickenpox include fever and headache, while the rash can begin to appear a week after exposure to the virus and turn into blisters that take several days to heal. Because chickenpox can be spread by direct contact with the rash or by inhaling airborne droplets, anyone who is sick should avoid going to public areas to prevent the infection from spreading.

3. Conjunctivitis

In eyes that are painful or have conjunctivitis, the outer lining around the eyeball and the inner lining of the eyelid become inflamed. This could be due to a viral or bacterial infection that develops during the season, an allergic reaction, or trauma. The conjunctiva - or the covering of the whites of the eyes - may become red, with noticeable itchiness and discharge around the eyes as well.

The best and easiest way to avoid sore eyes is frequent and thorough hand washing, as this removes bacteria or any other foreign substances from your hands so they don't get on your face or eyes.

4. Flu

Although influenza viruses are also prevalent in cold climates, they can still cause summer flu. Weather changes such as sudden rainfall or changes in temperature from warm outdoors to cold indoors and vice versa can make someone susceptible to respiratory illnesses such as coughs and colds. Other flu symptoms include fever, muscle aches, and headache.

Bed rest, antiviral medications, and adequate fluid intake are effective in alleviating flu symptoms.

5. Food poisoning

Foodborne illnesses are twice as common during the summer than other months of the year, as food spoils easily - thanks to bacteria that thrive in warm weather conditions. Contaminated food and drink can cause diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and possibly complications for people with chronic health conditions.

It is best to avoid eating perishable foods one to two hours after they have been left out of the fridge or as soon as the food develops mold or an unpleasant smell.

6. Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia is a condition in which the body's temperature becomes abnormally high, signaling that it is unable to regulate heat from the environment. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are medical emergencies that fall under hyperthermia.

A person suffering from hyperthermia may experience headache, dizziness, disorientation, fainting, intense sweating and cramps. Avoid strenuous activity or going outdoors in the middle of the day when the sun's heat is at its peak.

7. Measles

A condition transmitted in the same way as chickenpox, measles is another example of a childhood illness that spreads during the summer. The rubella virus causes measles, with symptoms including a dry cough, high fever, runny nose, and red eyes.

Measles can also cause complications ranging from ear infections to pneumonia, including pregnancy problems for women. The triple viral vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) is a way to give people immunity against the disease.

8. Mumps

Mumps is an infectious disease caused by a paramyxovirus that spreads through droplets of saliva from an infected person. It gathers around the salivary glands near the ears, causing them to swell. This inflammation on one or both sides of the face can cause pain or difficulty chewing or swallowing. Mumps can also be accompanied by fever, headache, and muscle aches.

In most cases, mumps does not progress to a serious illness and can be relieved by applying a hot or cold compress and using analgesics. However, people at risk of complications, such as pregnant women, should consult a doctor who specializes in infectious diseases.

9. Anger

Outdoor activities in summer can increase chance encounters with rabies-infected animals such as cats, dogs, and bats, to name a few, as they go to areas where they can find food or water . When someone exposes their cut skin to the saliva of an infected animal or is bitten by the animal, the rabies virus can be transmitted to humans.

Preventive measures against rabies include vaccinating domestic animals and avoiding feeding wild animals. Those who have been bitten by rabid animals should get a rabies vaccine immediately.

10. Skin conditions

Sunburn is a common skin condition that occurs when someone is in direct and prolonged exposure to the sun. Intense heat can cause first-degree burns with red, flaky skin or second-degree burns with blisters.

Sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is the best preventive measure against exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays, while cool, moisturizing showers can ease the pain or discomfort of sunburn. In severe cases, a medical examination may be required to treat skin blisters.

Most Common Illnesses During the Summer Season Messina Clinic

Tips for a healthy summer

The arrival of summer brings seasonal changes that can leave some people vulnerable to certain diseases. Here are some helpful tips to help everyone stay healthy this summer.

  • Hydration. Drinking about two (2) to three (3) liters of water every day ensures that the body replaces the fluids lost due to profuse sweating. Cutting back on alcohol and caffeine can also help keep someone well hydrated, as these drinks tend to make a person urinate more, further depleting the body of fluids.

  • Sun protection. Use protective coverings such as hats or caps and sunglasses. Sunscreen should be applied to the skin about 30 minutes before going outside. It is also necessary to reapply the product every 2 (two) hours, especially after swimming or sweating. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays, which are responsible for skin aging and sunburn.

  • Proper hygiene. Many summer illnesses are caused by viruses that can be eliminated through regular showers and hand washing. Alcohol and hand sanitizers should be kept handy when traveling.

  • Eating habits. The hot summer months can give way to unhealthy foods such as sugary sodas, ready-to-eat snacks or street food. A healthy summer diet includes fiber-rich foods such as grains, fruits, and vegetables as these keep hunger at bay and prevent one from craving food.

  • Lifestyle choices. Getting enough sleep and low-intensity exercise help strengthen your immune system. If possible, stay indoors and do worthwhile activities to soothe your body and stay away from the sweltering heat outside.

Summer is coming

High summer temperatures can bring health problems, and nobody wants that. Staying cool by drinking plenty of water, eating healthy, and spending time indoors can help beat the summer heat and prevent illness.

Contact Messina Clinic for diagnosis, treatment or management of common ailments during this season. Make an appointment with us.


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